Section B7 – Student Responses – ELA A10


“my hero is not very much known through the world or many may not know her by name but she is the person i look up to as a hero. she is my older cousin and she has helped me through half of my life. she is a great influence and has taught me how to become a young lady”


Hi Naomi. I think that you looking up to an older family member is great! Even though she isn’t well known, she still must be a wonderful role model, influencing you in the right direction and teaching you how to become who you are today. I’m sure that when your older cousin was younger she look up to someone similar to you now.

It makes it all the better that she has personally helped you through half of your life, being with to guide you. I’m sure when you’re older you may have the same influence on some one that she has on you. Even though your older cousin doesn’t have superpowers or super human abilities, you still look up to her, for the support she may give you, or the great influence she has on you, personally, I think that is great.


“My heroes are superman, spiderman and iron man. They inspire me by saving peoples lives. Also my dog.”


Hello Jim. I love superheroes as well, and I think it’s awesome that you’ve chosen them to be your hero and/or role model. I think they can set great examples of good things that you can do in your life, even though all three are fictional. Maybe one day, just like them,  you can save people’s lives as well as your dog.

Characters like superman, Spider-Man, and Ironman all try to put others before themselves, and try to help others by saving the day. In the real world, you can take this fictional scenarios, and maybe try and convert them into your world, like by saving the day, it could be donating to charity to help world hunger. As I said before, though your heros are fictional, they still set great examples for people and awesome role models to look up to.

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