A4 – CC – Writing Activity

This is a character alphabet about Lucy from I am Sam explaining things related to Lucy.




I am Sam Character Alphabet

The character I have chosen is Lucy Diamond Dawson.


A is for Lucy telling her friend she was adopted.

B is for Lucy’s BFF, her Dad because they love hanging out and playing together.

C is for Lucy’s Creative side because she is very creative when it comes to paintings.

D is for her middle name Diamond, because of a song by the Beetles her dad likes.

E is for Lucy being extreme and running away with her father and from the court.

F is for Lucy being fearless at night and running away from her fosters to Sam’s house.

G is for Lucy’s Godmother, Annie, the one who taught her piano and is her neighbor.

H is for When Lucy is with her family, and she is very happy.

I is for the innocence of Lucy because throughout the movie Lucy acts very innocent especially during questioning.

J is for when Lucy is judgmental with her father she recognizes he’s not like the other fathers and questions that.

K is for Lucy being kind throughout the movie towards others.

L is for Lucy being loving by really loving her father, Sam.

M is for how Lucy never met her mom and is just living with Sam fulltime.

N is for Lucy’s new foster parents to take care of her in the movie.

O is for Lucy being very optimistic about seeing Sam again.

P is for all of Lucy’s playful moments with her father and the times that meant the most.

Q is for all the questions that Lucy was asked and lied about when being questions in court.

R is for resisting to getting taken away from Sam and excepting the foster parents.

S is for Lucy sneaking away from her foster parent each night to see Sam.

T is for the team that Lucy and Sam make, teaching each other things.

U is for how Lucy and Sam were united at the end and beginning of the movie and how those were her favourite times

V is for the visits the Lucy got from Sam when she was being taken away.

W is for Lucy wanting her dad because she loves him.

X is for the X’s and O’s or hugs and kisses Lucy gives to Sam all the time.

Y is for the yucky green eggs and ham book she read.

Z is for the zag that Lucy made when being taken away from Sam



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